Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019

13:10 to 14:25, Friday, 30  August,  Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Lowther Room Apologies Minutes of 2018 AGM (HJ) HPGRG Sessions for 2019 (FF) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2019 (HJ) HPGRG Accounts (JB) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (PC) HPGRG Membership (FG) HPGRG Website (TJ) HPGRG Communications and Newsletter (MvM) Committee Membership Terms and Elections (HJ)… Continue reading Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019

Committee changes

At our most recent AGM, held in Cardiff, we had a number of out-going committee members. Our Chair, Paul Simpson, and Secretary, Isla Forsyth, came to the end of their extended term (2014-2018); our Communications Officer, Vanessa Schofield, reached the end of her term (2015-2018), and our Postgraduate Liaison Officer, Diana Beljaars, stepped down due… Continue reading Committee changes

Two new committee roles

The HPGRG AGM will take place in Cardiff at this year’s RGS-IBG Annual Conference (provisionally) on Wednesday 29th August 13.10-14.25. In advance of that we are now inviting individuals to express their interest in two committee roles that will become available at the AGM as the current role holders’ terms come to an end. We… Continue reading Two new committee roles

Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2016

13:10 to 14:25, Friday 2 September, RGS-IBG Sunley Room Agenda Apologies Minutes of 2015 AGM (PS) HPGRG Sessions for 2016 (IF) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2016 (IF) HPGRG Accounts (SK) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (PC) HPGRG Website (TJ) HPGRG Membership update (JB) HPGRG Newsletter – update (PS / VS) Discussion of Research Group Activities /… Continue reading Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2016

Categorized as AGM, RGS

Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015

13:10 to 14:25, Wednesday 2 September, Forum – Seminar Room 1, University of Exeter Agenda Apologies Minutes of 2014 AGM HPGRG Sessions for 2015 (Paul Simpson) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2015 (Paul Simpson) HPGRG Accounts (Sam Kinsley) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (Paul Simpson) HPGRG Website (Thomas Jellis) HPGRG Membership update (Julian Brigstocke) HPGRG Workshop for… Continue reading Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015