The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group would like to invite you to an informal online lunchtime session on May 15th, 13:00-14;00 (UK time), discussing issues around converting your PhD / postdoc into a monograph – whether to do it, how to do it, how to find a publisher, what the current open access… Continue reading May 15th session on turning a PhD or postdoc into a monograph
Category: HPGRG Events
Open Postgraduate and ECR Meeting, 8th January
The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG) of the RGS-IBG invite postgraduate/early career researchers to an informal online seminar. This will be held at 1400-1600 (GMT) on Monday 8th January 2024. We invite attendees to briefly introduce their research (5-7 minutes). Your research may be at any stage from initial idea to completed… Continue reading Open Postgraduate and ECR Meeting, 8th January
Sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group. Date 14th April 2023 This conference marks the publication of Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt’s recent work, Franz Boas: Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice (2022), the follow up instalment to Franz Boas, The Emergence of the Anthropologist (2019). Franz Boas (1858 – 1942)… Continue reading Online Conference: GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIVITIES
HPGRG Dissertation Prize 2019 Announced
We are delighted to announce that the dissertation prize panel recommended a joint award of the prize to two dissertations of exceptionally high quality. The joint winners of this year’s prize are Olivia Russell (University of Edinburgh) and Mitchell Wilson (University of Bristol). Olivia Russel’s dissertation, Geography, Cartography and Military Intelligence: Gertrude Campbell’s Cartographic Work… Continue reading HPGRG Dissertation Prize 2019 Announced
Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019
13:10 to 14:25, Friday, 30 August, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Lowther Room Apologies Minutes of 2018 AGM (HJ) HPGRG Sessions for 2019 (FF) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2019 (HJ) HPGRG Accounts (JB) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (PC) HPGRG Membership (FG) HPGRG Website (TJ) HPGRG Communications and Newsletter (MvM) Committee Membership Terms and Elections (HJ)… Continue reading Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019
Newsletter 2019 #2 out now
The latest issue of our newsletter is now out! This newsletter contains, among other things, the agenda of our HPGRG Annual General Meeting at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference in London next week and a list of HPGRG-sponsored sessions during this event. You are cordially invited to attend the HPGRG AGM and the HPGRG-sponsored sessions,… Continue reading Newsletter 2019 #2 out now
Forthcoming AGM at the RGS-IBG
This year, our AGM will take place on Wednesday 2 September, at 13:10 in Forum – Seminar Room 1 at the University of Exeter (it’s also listed in the conference programme). While we do not have any committee members with named roles coming to the end of their term we encourage anyone who is interested in becoming involved in… Continue reading Forthcoming AGM at the RGS-IBG
Updated session information
We have updates for two of our sponsored sessions: The first is that due to the number of ‘watery’ sessions for the conference, the respective session organizers have combined as a series; accordingly, what was ‘Water worlds’ is now ‘Wet Geographies III‘. The second is that there are now details available concerning our own session, ‘Practising philosophies… Continue reading Updated session information
Call for Sessions: RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015
The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG) invites suggestions for 12 sponsored sessions at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015 in Exeter from 2nd to 4th September 2015. The conference will focus on Geographies of the Anthropocene and be chaired by Professor Sarah Whatmore (University of Oxford). We welcome suggestions for sessions across our… Continue reading Call for Sessions: RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015
Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2014
Annual General Meeting 2014 13:10 to 14:25, Thursday 28 August 2014 COUNCIL ROOM, RGS-IBG Agenda Apologies (Richard Powell) Minutes of 2013 AGM HPGRG Sessions for 2014 (Heike Jöns and Isla Forsyth) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2014 (Heike Jöns) HPGRG Accounts (Sam Kinsley) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (Pauline Couper; Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi; Heike Jöns) HPGRG Website (Thomas… Continue reading Agenda for the HPGRG AGM at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2014