Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019

13:10 to 14:25, Friday, 30  August,  Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Lowther Room Apologies Minutes of 2018 AGM (HJ) HPGRG Sessions for 2019 (FF) HPGRG Research Group Guests for 2019 (HJ) HPGRG Accounts (JB) HPGRG Dissertation Prize (PC) HPGRG Membership (FG) HPGRG Website (TJ) HPGRG Communications and Newsletter (MvM) Committee Membership Terms and Elections (HJ)… Continue reading Agenda for the AGM at RGS-IBG 2019

Newsletter 2019 #2 out now

The latest issue of our newsletter is now out! This newsletter contains, among other things, the agenda of our HPGRG Annual General Meeting at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference in London next week and a list of HPGRG-sponsored sessions during this event. You are cordially invited to attend the HPGRG AGM and the HPGRG-sponsored sessions,… Continue reading Newsletter 2019 #2 out now