Call For Papers: ‘Geographical Reflections’ University of Nottingham This is a call for papers for the RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-term Conference, to be hosted over the weekend of 20th – 22nd April 2012 at the School of Geography, Nottingham University. The aim of the conference is to provide a welcoming, relaxed and supportive environment for… Continue reading RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference 2012
Month: January 2012
Overview of research quality in History & Philosophy of Geography
A message from Felix Driver: As HPGRG members may know, the ESRC is currently undertaking a review of UK human geography in partnership with the AHRC and the RGS-IBG, the latest in a series of subject-based reviews. This is intended to ‘highlight the standing and contribution of UK human geography against international benchmarks’, and to… Continue reading Overview of research quality in History & Philosophy of Geography