
Committee changes

At our most recent AGM, held in Cardiff, we had a number of out-going committee members. Our Chair, Paul Simpson, and Secretary, Isla Forsyth, came to the end of their extended term (2014-2018); our Communications Officer, Vanessa Schofield, reached the end of her term (2015-2018), and our Postgraduate Liaison Officer, Diana Beljaars, stepped down due to no longer being a postgraduate (2016-2018). We thank them for all their work on the committee.

We now welcome our in-coming committee members. Our Chair will be Heike Jöns, who has had a long-standing involvement with the Research Group. In addition, we welcome Federico Ferretti as Secretary, and Michiel Van Meeteren as Communications Officer. We hope to appoint a Postgraduate Liaison Officer in the near future.

Dissertation Prize HPGRG News

HPGRG Dissertation Prize 2018 Announced

We are delighted to announce that Sophie Buckle (University of Bristol)  has won the dissertation prize for 2018. The prize panel noted that the dissertation is “a highly impressive, ambitious and thoughtful piece” that speaks to debates in Geography and beyond; the “interweaving of theory and praxis through poetry is particularly impressive”.

Sophie has allowed us to reproduce her dissertation – “Writing Between Worlds: An Audiencing of Leanne Simpson’s Stories as Theory for Decolonising Academic Writing Practices”” – on our website.