News & Events

Undergraduate Dissertation Award 2024 Announcement!

Tom Rawcliffe (York University) has been awarded the 2024 HPGRG Undergraduate Dissertation Award for his project ‘Our Little West’: Väike-Õismäe and the Role of Architecture in Constructing a Western Identity in the Estonian SSR, 1968-1975′.

The assessing panel noted the project’s originality and that it includes an impressive amount of research, including travel to Estonia to work in archives which are in another language/s, something that is comparatively rare, and I should add very exciting to see and read about, at this stage of research. In addition, the attention to detail throughout, and concerning formatting and structure, is excellent. 

Dr Julian Brigstocke (Cardiff University), the HPGRG Chair, noted that ‘it is an excellent dissertation, with a distinctive, original, and well evidenced argument. It addresses an important and timely topic with impressive authority.’

Tom will receive a prize of £50 and a free one-year subscription to Progress in Physical Geography courtesy of SAGE. 

Congratulations Tom and good luck with continuing your studies on Estonian architecture! @tomrawcliffe_


May 15th session on turning a PhD or postdoc into a monograph

The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group would like to invite you to an informal online lunchtime session on May 15th, 13:00-14;00 (UK time), discussing issues around converting your PhD / postdoc into a monograph – whether to do it, how to do it, how to find a publisher, what the current open access requirements are, and much more. The session is primarily aimed at PhD and early career researchers, but everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member of the HPGRG research group to attend – all are welcome.  

We are very lucky to have three amazing scholars, with huge amounts of expertise in this area, leading the session:

1. Dr Ruth Craggs – Co-Editor of the RGS-IBG monograph series, and Reader in Political and Historical Geography at Kings College London.

2. Dr Anna Lawrence – Academic Publications Managing Editor of the RGS-IBG.

3. Prof. Peter Merriman – Editor of the Routledge Research in Culture, Space and Identity book series, and Professor in Human Geography at Aberystwyth University

The session will be informal and primarily driven by yourselves and any questions, thoughts, or worries you might have. The session does not assume any prior knowledge or experience in academic publishing. 

It is essential to register in advance for this meeting, using the following link:

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Julian Brigstocke (


Open Postgraduate and ECR Meeting 8 January (completed)

The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG) of the RGS-IBG invite postgraduate/early career researchers to an informal online seminar. This will be held at 1400-1600 (GMT) on Monday 8th January 2024. We invite attendees to briefly introduce their research (5-7 minutes). Your research may be at any stage from initial idea to completed projects. The seminar will be informal and primarily aims to offer early career researchers an opportunity to get to know other researchers, both in the UK and across the world, who work in related fields. Thus, the aim is for the session to be relaxed and convivial, with plenty of time for conversation. We would also love to hear your views about how the HPGRG can support early career researchers through future events, whether online or face to face.

If you would like to attend (whether or not you wish to present) it is essential that you register here before December 15th

If you have any queries, please contact our postgraduate representative Nivedita Singh ( and/or (


Online Conference: GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIVITIES (completed) 

Sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group. Date 14th April 2023

This conference marks the publication of Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt’s recent work, Franz Boas: Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice (2022), the follow up instalment to Franz Boas, The Emergence of the Anthropologist (2019).

Franz Boas (1858 – 1942) has been memorialized for his important role in fostering of cultural relativity, a key research methodology in social anthropology. Yet, as a boy, Boas was interested in geography. Later, at the time of his doctoral studies his interests swung from physics to anthropology, a move that was sealed during his 1883-84 fieldwork on Baffin Island. Boas also authored an early paper about geography (1887). However, with a few exceptions (Bravo 2009; Powell 2015) Boas has received less attention from geographers and historians of geography, and his fashioning of the geographies of geography has been little explored. Why was this so? In what ways does Boas’ own disciplinary shift inform the epistemological, disciplinary and institutional flux of the twin disciplines of fin-de-siècle anthropology and geography? With him we can examine the tensions between anthropogeography, geography and anthropology (and ethnology) in universities and other institutions such as savant societies and museums. We can also locate where he fits into the longer running entanglement of anthropogeography, cultural ecology in anthropology, and political ecology. 

This conference affords the chance to share reflections on the place or absence of Boas in late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century geographical and historical geographical research. The evolutionism, historicism, cosmography and the productive dynamism of attempts to reconcile understandings of local conditions and universality seen in Boas’ works are similarly features in late nineteenth-century geographers, including anarchist geographers. It explores wider concepts, and practices, of relativity in geography and historical geography. In addition, it asks what the shift in Boas’ interests tells us about broader disciplinary and institutional transformations, and how these might inform the relationships between emergent geographical practices and practitioners and those in cultural ecology, and cultural, social and physical anthropology. It seeks to reflect upon the spatial aspects of his thought and his spatializing practices. The papers in this conference address Boas’ work on race and anthropometric measurements, his subsequent resonance across the transnational histories of geographical theory, as well as methods and practice around the turn of the 19th and 20th century in British and European thought and practice. They attend to the places and subsequent resonance of his ideas across the interdisciplinary fields of geography, anthropology and their shifting places within wider epistemic maps. Other papers bring to light broader historical geographies of relativist geographical, ‘cultural’ or other, frames of understanding. 

The conference is open to both faculty and postgraduate students and will take place online on Friday 14th April from 15h00 – 18h00 (GMT)

Geographical Relativities conference Eventbrite page:

For further information, please email: Dr Emily Hayes (Oxford Brookes University):

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