Harriet Walters wins the 2021 HPGRG Biannual Engagement Award

The inaugural (2021) History and Philosophy of Geography Engagement Award  goes to Harriet Walters who is completing a PhD in English literature at the University of Birmingham for her project ” Mapping Winterbourne: Digital Tours of the historic garden”. The still ongoing design project, a collaboration between Walters, Winterbourne House and Gardens Museum, and the… Continue reading Harriet Walters wins the 2021 HPGRG Biannual Engagement Award

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Chiara Ruggieri-Mitchell winner of the 2021 HPGRG Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

The HPGRG is pleased to announce that the 2021 HPGRG Undergraduate Dissertation Prize has been awarded to Chiara Ruggieri-Mitchell for her dissertation titled “The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: Trends in Conservation Focus, 2010-2019”. The dissertation, completed for a degree at Royal Holloway University, London (https://www.royalholloway.ac.uk/research-and-teaching/departments-and-schools/geography/) provides a longitudinal in-depth analysis… Continue reading Chiara Ruggieri-Mitchell winner of the 2021 HPGRG Undergraduate Dissertation Prize

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