The HPGRG are pleased to announce the conference sessions sponsored at this year’s RGS-IBG annual international conference. The variety amongst the nine sessions is a great indication of the fascinating work being presently conducted in geography.
Here are the nine sessions in brief. We will post details of each of the sessions in due course.
- Connecting Elements: Connecting Geographies – convened by Isla Forsyth and William Hasty
- Understanding the psychospatial – convened by Elizabeth Gagen and Jessica Pykett
- Historical Geographies of Internationalism, 1900s-1970s – convened by Mike Heffernan, Stephen Legg and Jake Hodder
- Writing Geography – convened by Innes Keighren and Fraser Macdonald
- Economies of Contribution – convened by Sam Kinsley, Matthew Wilson and James Ash
- Arctic Geographical Traditions? Practices, Politics and Institutions – convened by Andrew Foxall and Richard Powell
- Eschatology and World Politics – convened by Rory Rowan and Ross Adams
- Ambience and Atmospheres: Encountering new material frontiers – convened by Paul Simpson, Peter Adey and Damien Masson
- Occult Geographies: (im)material agents and the geographical imagination – convened by Julian Holloway and James Thurgill