Newsletter relaunched!

Our relaunched newsletter is now available to read! Here’s an excerpt:

It might seem odd to (re)launch a newsletter in an era where so many other forms of electronic communication are available. The HPGRG already uses a twitter account (@HPGRG_RGS), our website ( and our mailing list to advertise the activities of the group and its members. However, there is often something quite ephemeral about such mediums; twitter feeds tend tick over at an unrelenting pace and emails are often deleted or archived not to be looked at again. As such, with our ‘new’ newsletter we’d like to give a little bit more permanence to things, hold them in place to be looked back on on occasion. We’d like it both to act as a means of communicating the work the group is doing now but also keeping a record of this that can be looked back on.

Part of the inspiration to do so came from the discovery of a batch of old newsletters (from 1995-2003) by a previous member of the committee (John Wylie) which were handed to Sam Kinsley, our current Treasurer. These provided an insight into the past of the committee, a past which dates from before many of the current committee’s academic careers. And from the notes from conferences, calls for papers, and other accounts included in those newsletters, insights into the concerns of the discipline from that time (concerns that have by no means gone away) come through in very interesting ways.

Our collection of newsletters, scanned and uploaded, are available to browse here.

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