HPGRG Postgraduate Dissertation Award

The prize will be awarded to an outstanding & original Dissertation concentrating on History and/or Philosophy of Physical and/or Human Geography or associated fields. We welcome nominations that examine geographical knowledge, discourses and practices in academia, but also within schools and the public sphere. Nominations are requested from Dissertation Supervisors or Heads of Departments. As long as the Dissertation & Application files are written in English, we welcome nominations not only from the UK but also from other countries. Depending on the number and quality of submissions, the prize may not be awarded every year. The Dissertation should have been defended between January 1st 2009 and December 31st 2010. Each submission file must include: a letter of recommendation from the Dissertation Supervisor or Head of Department; a short letter from the Master’s student stressing the originality and novelty of the findings; and a copy of the dissertation.

Please email submissions (as attachments in pdf, doc or rtf format) to Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi (mathilde.leduc@gmail.com) prior to 26 June 2011.

For any additional information, please contact mathilde.leduc@gmail.com, Phone (+32) 473 174 827.

Deadline: 26 June 2011.

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