Temporality and Change: Non Representational Geographies and Beyond

Temporality and Change: Non Representational Geographies and Beyond

Amy Barron (The University of Manchester) and Andrew Maclaren (The University of Aberdeen)

Building on a plethora of analytical frames and concepts that have conceived of, or attempted to understand, temporality and change (May and Thrift, 2011), this session invites contributors to consider how temporality and change are empirically, theoretically and/or methodologically grasped within the contemporary landscape of geographical knowledge. In asking these questions, the session is interested in the role of Non-Representational Theories (NRT) as an approach that continues to influence social and cultural thought (Vannini 2015). As such, we are interested in work that is shaped by a concern with movement, with foregrounding the dynamics of change, and with highlighting the emergent intricacies of everyday life (Anderson and Harrison, 2010, Thrift, 1996). We welcome broad interpretations of time and temporality and contributions that consider NRT in relation to other ways of thinking.

Topics in this session might include, but are not limited to:

  • How does difference, across times and spaces, affect experiences?
  • How are pasts, presents and futures encountered?
  • How is temporality and change performed and performative?
  • How might scholars theoretically and methodologically grasp temporality and change?
  • Non-Representational geographies of temporality and change
  • We are interested in soliciting perspectives from academics at all career stages.